Have you ever wondered why smart people prefer to buy land during the rainy seasons in Kenya i.e. March- May and October-December? Well, the answer might surprise you!

While most people tend to shy away from buying land during the rainy seasons due to the wet and muddy conditions, smart people see this as an opportunity to make a smart investment. I, your friendly neighborhood land investment consultant, am here to break it down for you.

Gauging Accessibility

When you buy plots during the dry seasons, all land and roads seem prime and passable. However, buying land during the rainy season offers a better perspective on whether the roads are accessible or inaccessible, especially the all-weather and murram roads. If inaccessible, that is a clear indication that you’ll face difficulties in the future thus helping you make a more informed decision about whether to buy the land.

Assessing the land’s drainage

During the rainy season, you can see how well the land drains and if there are any areas that are prone to flooding. It’s better to establish any potential drainage issues before buying a piece of land than to discover them after you’ve already made the purchase. Buying what you assumed was prime land only to find out later is only a swampy uninhabitable place would be a risky financial decision. On that note, keep an eye out for our next blog on the safest land buying process.

Cost Savings

With the ballooning prices of land, another advantage of purchasing land during the rainy season is the potential cost savings.

During the dry season, many property owners may artificially raise prices due to the high

demand. However, during the rainy season, there may be fewer buyers, and property owners

may be more willing to negotiate prices. This means that you may be able to purchase land at a

lower price, making it a more cost-effective investment.


Of course, buying land during the rainy season does come with its challenges.

For one thing, it can be difficult to get around – muddy roads and flooded areas, can make it tough to access certain properties.You may need to invest in a good pair of rain boots and a sturdy vehicle to get where you need to go. And for this particular reasons is why smart people buy land during rainy season.

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that you’re working with a reputable real estate company such as Zenawi Real Estate, we offer free daily site visits regardless of the weather. Make sure you take advantage of that.

Finally, make sure to do your due diligence and work with a company who has a great reputation to facilitate the land buying process. Don’t be afraid of embracing the rain, the rewards are surely worth it.